Visible to the public Academic SoS Research Programs

SoS Newsletter- Advanced Book Block

SoS Newsletter - Academic Reserach Programs

  • Researchers at the Naval Postgraduate School are seeking to address the challenge of composing secure systems from heterogeneous components having different security characteristics. They apply basic cybersecurity science to identify and reason about properties relevant to composed secure systems. To narrow the scope of the work, they are investigating SCADA systems. (ID#:14-1010) See
  • DETER, a research project funded by the Department of Homeland Security, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Defense, is aimed at making cyber security research a rigorous experimental science. Part of the project, DeterLab is a cyber-security experimentation lab for cyber-defense invention and evaluation used by researchers worldwide. The DETER research team at USC ISI and U.C. Berkeley receives support from more than 20 major universities, technology research labs, and corporations engaged in cyber-security research. (ID#:14-1163) See


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