International Conferences: Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, New Orleans, Part 2
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International Conferences: Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, New Orleans, Part 2 |
The 2014 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) had special focus on Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical Systems. Held December 8-12, 2014, ACSAC has a tradition of bringing together security professionals from academia, government and industry who are interested in applied security. It is an internationally recognized forum where practitioners, researchers, and developers in information system security meet to learn and to exchange practical ideas and experiences.
Henry Carter, Charles Lever, Patrick Traynor; Whitewash: Outsourcing Garbled Circuit Generation for Mobile Devices; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 266-275. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664255 Garbled circuits offer a powerful primitive for computation on a user's personal data while keeping that data private. Despite recent improvements, constructing and evaluating circuits of any useful size remains expensive on the limited hardware resources of a smartphone, the primary computational device available to most users around the world. In this work, we develop a new technique for securely outsourcing the generation of garbled circuits to a Cloud provider. By outsourcing the circuit generation, we are able to eliminate the most costly operations from the mobile device, including oblivious transfers. Our proofs of security show that this technique provides the best security guarantees of any existing garbled circuit outsourcing protocol. We also experimentally demonstrate that our new protocol, on average, decreases execution time by 75% and reduces network costs by 60% compared to previous outsourcing protocols. In so doing, we demonstrate that the use of garbled circuits on mobile devices can be made nearly as practical as it is becoming for server-class machines.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5018)
Mingshen Sun, Min Zheng, John C. S. Lui, Xuxian Jiang; Design and Implementation of an Android Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 226-235. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664245 Android has a dominating share in the mobile market and there is a significant rise of mobile malware targeting Android devices. Android malware accounted for 97% of all mobile threats in 2013 [26]. To protect smartphones and prevent privacy leakage, companies have implemented various host-based intrusion prevention systems (HIPS) on their Android devices. In this paper, we first analyze the implementations, strengths and weaknesses of three popular HIPS architectures. We demonstrate a severe loophole and weakness of an existing popular HIPS product in which hackers can readily exploit. Then we present a design and implementation of a secure and extensible HIPS platform---"Patronus." Patronus not only provides intrusion prevention without the need to modify the Android system, it can also dynamically detect existing malware based on runtime information. We propose a two-phase dynamic detection algorithm for detecting running malware. Our experiments show that Patronus can prevent the intrusive behaviors efficiently and detect malware accurately with a very low performance overhead and power consumption.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5019)
Xavier de Carné de Carnavalet, Mohammad Mannan; Challenges and Implications Of Verifiable Builds For Security-Critical Open-Source Software; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 16-25. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664288 The majority of computer users download compiled software and run it directly on their machine. Apparently, this is also true for open-sourced software -- most users would not compile the available source, and implicitly trust that the available binaries have been compiled from the published source code (i.e., no backdoor has been inserted in the binary). To verify that the official binaries indeed correspond to the released source, one can compile the source of a given application, and then compare the locally generated binaries with the developer-provided official ones. However, such simple verification is non-trivial to achieve in practice, as modern compilers, and more generally, toolchains used in software packaging, have not been designed with verifiability in mind. Rather, the output of compilers is often dependent on parameters that can be strongly tied to the building environment. In this paper, we analyze a widely-used encryption tool, TrueCrypt, to verify its official binary with the corresponding source. We first manually replicate a close match to the official binaries of sixteen most recent versions of TrueCrypt for Windows up to v7.1a, and then explain the remaining differences that can solely be attributed to non-determinism in the build process. Our analysis provides the missing guarantee on official binaries that they are indeed backdoor-free, and makes audits on TrueCrypt's source code more meaningful. Also, we uncover several sources of non-determinism in TrueCrypt's compilation process; these findings may help create future verifiable build processes.
Keywords: TrueCrypt, bitcoin, debian, deterministic build, reproducible build, tor (ID#: 15-5020)
Fabienne Eigner, Aniket Kate, Matteo Maffei, Francesca Pampaloni, Ivan Pryvalov; Differentially Private Data Aggregation With Optimal Utility; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 316-325. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664263 Computing aggregate statistics about user data is of vital importance for a variety of services and systems, but this practice has been shown to seriously undermine the privacy of users. Differential privacy has proved to be an effective tool to sanitize queries over a database, and various cryptographic protocols have been recently proposed to enforce differential privacy in a distributed setting, e.g., statical queries on sensitive data stored on the user's side. The widespread deployment of differential privacy techniques in real-life settings is, however, undermined by several limitations that existing constructions suffer from: they support only a limited class of queries, they pose a trade-off between privacy and utility of the query result, they are affected by the answer pollution problem, or they are inefficient. This paper presents PrivaDA, a novel design architecture for distributed differential privacy that leverages recent advances in secure multiparty computations on fixed and floating point arithmetics to overcome the previously mentioned limitations. In particular, PrivaDA supports a variety of perturbation mechanisms (e.g., the Laplace, discrete Laplace, and exponential mechanisms) and it constitutes the first generic technique to generate noise in a fully distributed manner while maintaining the optimal utility. Furthermore, PrivaDA does not suffer from the answer pollution problem. We demonstrate the efficiency of PrivaDA with a performance evaluation, and its expressiveness and flexibility by illustrating several application scenarios such as privacy-preserving web analytics.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5021)
Daniela Oliveira, Marissa Rosenthal, Nicole Morin, Kuo-Chuan Yeh, Justin Cappos, Yanyan Zhuang; It's the Psychology Stupid: How Heuristics Explain Software Vulnerabilities And How Priming Can Illuminate Developer's Blind Spots; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 296-305. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664254 Despite the security community's emphasis on the importance of building secure software, the number of new vulnerabilities found in our systems is increasing. In addition, vulnerabilities that have been studied for years are still commonly reported in vulnerability databases. This paper investigates a new hypothesis that software vulnerabilities are blind spots in developer's heuristic-based decision-making processes. Heuristics are simple computational models to solve problems without considering all the information available. They are an adaptive response to our short working memory because they require less cognitive effort. Our hypothesis is that as software vulnerabilities represent corner cases that exercise unusual information flows, they tend to be left out from the repertoire of heuristics used by developers during their programming tasks. To validate this hypothesis we conducted a study with 47 developers using psychological manipulation. In this study each developer worked for approximately one hour on six vulnerable programming scenarios. The sessions progressed from providing no information about the possibility of vulnerabilities, to priming developers about unexpected results, and explicitly mentioning the existence of vulnerabilities in the code. The results show that (i) security is not a priority in software development environments, (ii) security is not part of developer's mindset while coding, (iii) developers assume common cases for their code, (iv) security thinking requires cognitive effort, (v) security education helps, but developers can have difficulties correlating a particular learned vulnerability or security information with their current working task, and (vi) priming or explicitly cueing about vulnerabilities on-the-spot is a powerful mechanism to make developers aware about potential vulnerabilities.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5022)
Mathy Vanhoef, Frank Piessens; Advanced Wi-Fi Attacks Using Commodity Hardware; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, pages 256-265. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664260 We show that low-layer attacks against Wi-Fi can be implemented using user-modifiable firmware. Hence cheap off-the-shelf Wi-Fi dongles can be used carry out advanced attacks. We demonstrate this by implementing five low-layer attacks using open source Atheros firmware. The first attack consists of unfair channel usage, giving the user a higher throughput while reducing that of others. The second attack defeats countermeasures designed to prevent unfair channel usage. The third attack performs continuous jamming, making the channel unusable for other devices. For the fourth attack we implemented a selective jammer, allowing one to jam specific frames already in the air. The fifth is a novel channel-based Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack, enabling reliable manipulation of encrypted traffic. These low-layer attacks facilitate novel attacks against higher-layer protocols. To demonstrate this we show how our MitM attack facilitates attacks against the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) when used as a group cipher. Since a substantial number of networks still use TKIP as their group cipher, this shows that weaknesses in TKIP have a higher impact than previously thought.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5023)
Samuel Junjie Tan, Sergey Bratus, Travis Goodspeed; Interrupt-Oriented Bugdoor Programming: A Minimalist Approach To Bugdooring Embedded Systems Firmware; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 116-125, doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664268 We demonstrate a simple set of interrupt-related vulnerability primitives that, despite being apparently innocuous, give attackers full control of a microcontroller platform. We then present a novel, minimalist approach to constructing deniable bugdoors for microcontroller firmware, and contrast this approach with the current focus of exploitation research on demonstrations of maximum computational power that malicious computation can achieve. Since the introduction of Return-oriented programming, an ever-increasing number of targets have been demonstrated to unintentionally yield Turing-complete computation environments to attackers controlling the target's various input channels, under ever more restrictive sets of limitations. Yet although modern OS defensive measures indeed require complex computations to bypass, this focus on maximum expressiveness of exploit programming models leads researchers to overlook other research directions for platforms that lack strong defensive measure but occur in mission-critical systems, namely, microcontrollers. In these systems, common exploiter goals such as sensitive code and data exfiltration or arbitrary code execution do not typically require complex computation; instead, a minimal computation is preferred and a simple set of vulnerability primitives typically suffices. We discuss examples of vulnerabilities and the new kinds of tools needed to avoid them in future firmware.
Keywords: ACSAC proceedings, hacking, microprocessor exploitation, security (ID#: 15-5024)
M. Zubair Rafique, Juan Caballero, Christophe Huygens, Wouter Joosen; Network Dialog Minimization And Network Dialog Diffing: Two Novel Primitives For Network Security Applications; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 166-175. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664261 In this work, we present two fundamental primitives for network security: network dialog minimization and network dialog diffing. Network dialog minimization (NDM) simplifies an original dialog with respect to a goal, so that the minimized dialog when replayed still achieves the goal, but requires minimal network communication, achieving significant time and bandwidth savings. We present network delta debugging, the first technique to solve NDM. Network dialog diffing compares two dialogs, aligns them, and identifies their common and different parts. We propose a novel dialog diffing technique that aligns two dialogs by finding a mapping that maximizes similarity. We have applied our techniques to 5 applications. We apply our dialog minimization approach for: building drive-by download milkers for 9 exploit kits, integrating them in a infrastructure that has collected over 14,000 malware samples running from a single machine; efficiently measuring the percentage of popular sites that allow cookie replay, finding that 31% do not destroy the server-side state when a user logs out and that 17% provide cookies that live over a month; simplifying a cumbersome user interface, saving our institution 3 hours of time per year and employee; and finding a new vulnerability in a SIP server. We apply our dialog diffing approach for clustering benign (F-Measure = 100%) and malicious (F-Measure = 87.6%) dialogs.
Keywords: network delta debugging, network dialog diffing, network dialog minimization, network security (ID#: 15-5025)
Willem De Groef, Fabio Massacci, Frank Piessens; NodeSentry: Least-Privilege Library Integration For Server-Side JavaScript; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 446-455. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664276 Node.js is a popular JavaScript server-side framework with an efficient runtime for cloud-based event-driven architectures. Its strength is the presence of thousands of third-party libraries which allow developers to quickly build and deploy applications. These very libraries are a source of security threats as a vulnerability in one library can (and in some cases did) compromise one's entire server. In order to support the least-privilege integration of libraries, we developed NodeSentry, the first security architecture for server-side JavaScript. Our policy enforcement infrastructure supports an easy deployment of web-hardening techniques and access control policies on interactions between libraries and their environment, including any dependent library. We discuss the implementation of NodeSentry, and present its practical evaluation. For hundreds of concurrent clients, NodeSentry has the same capacity and throughput as plain Node.js. Only on a large scale, when Node.js itself yields to a heavy load, NodeSentry shows a limited overhead.
Keywords: JavaScript, web security (ID#: 15-5026)
Hyungsub Kim, Sangho Lee, Jong Kim; Exploring and Mitigating Privacy Threats of HTML5 Geolocation API; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 306-315. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664247 The HTML5 Geolocation API realizes location-based services via theWeb by granting web sites the geographical location information of user devices. However, the Geolocation API can violate a user's location privacy due to its coarse-grained permission and location models. The API provides either exact location or nothing to web sites even when they only require approximate location. In this paper, we first conduct case studies on numerous web browsers and web sites to explore how they implement and utilize the Geolocation API. We detect 14 vulnerable web browsers and 603 overprivileged web sites that can violate a user's location privacy. To mitigate the privacy threats of the Geolocation API, we propose a novel scheme that (1) supports fine-grained permission and location models, and (2) recommends appropriate privacy settings to each user by inspecting the location sensitivity of each web page. Our scheme can accurately estimate each web page's necessary geolocation degree (estimation accuracy: ~93.5%). We further provide suggestions to improve the Geolocation API.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5027)
Adam J. Aviv, Dane Fichter; Understanding Visual Perceptions of Usability and Security of Android's Graphical Password Pattern; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 286-295. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664253 This paper reports the results of a user study of the Android graphical password system using an alternative survey methodology, pairwise preferences, that requests participants to select between pairs of patterns indicating either a security or usability preference. By carefully selecting password pairs to isolate a visual feature, a visual perception of usability and security of different features can be measured. We conducted a large IRB-approved survey using pairwise preferences which attracted 384 participants on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Analyzing the results, we find that visual features that can be attributed to complexity indicated a stronger perception of security, while spatial features, such as shifts up/down or left/right are not strong indicators for security or usability. We extended and applied the survey data by building logistic models to predict perception preferences by training on features used in the survey and other features proposed in related work. The logistic model accurately predicted preferences above 70%, twice the rate of random guessing, and the strongest feature in classification is password distance, the total length of all lines in the pattern, a feature not used in the online survey. This result provides insight into the internal visual calculus of users when comparing choices and selecting visual passwords, and the ultimate goal of this work is to leverage the visual calculus to design systems where inherent perceptions for usability coincides with a known metric of security.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5028)
Hendrik Meutzner, Viet-Hung Nguyen, Thorsten Holz, Dorothea Kolossa; Using Automatic Speech Recognition For Attacking Acoustic CAPTCHAs: The Trade-Off Between Usability And Security; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 276-285. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664262 A common method to prevent automated abuses of Internet services is utilizing challenge-response tests that distinguish human users from machines. These tests are known as CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) and should represent a task that is easy to solve for humans, but difficult for fraudulent programs. To enable access for visually impaired people, an acoustic CAPTCHA is typically provided in addition to the better-known visual CAPTCHAs. Recent security studies show that most acoustic CAPTCHAs, albeit difficult to solve for humans, can be broken via machine learning. In this work, we suggest using speech recognition rather than generic classification methods for better analyzing the security of acoustic CAPTCHAs. We show that our attack based on an automatic speech recognition system can successfully defeat CAPTCHA with a significantly higher success rate than reported in previous studies. A major difficulty in designing CAPTCHAs arises from the trade-off between human usability and robustness against automated attacks. We present and analyze an alternative CAPTCHA design that exploits specific capabilities of the human auditory system, i.e., auditory streaming and tolerance to reverberation. Since state-of-the-art speech recognition technology still does not provide these capabilities, the resulting CAPTCHA is hard to solve automatically. A detailed analysis of the proposed CAPTCHA shows a far better trade-off between usability and security than the current quasi-standard approach of reCAPTCHA.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5029)
Marina Krotofil, Alvaro A. Cárdenas, Bradley Manning, Jason Larsen; CPS: Driving Cyber-Physical Systems to Unsafe Operating Conditions by Timing DoS Attacks on Sensor Signals; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 146-155. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664290 DoS attacks on sensor measurements used for industrial control can cause the controller of the process to use stale data. If the DoS attack is not timed properly, the use of stale data by the controller will have limited impact on the process; however, if the attacker is able to launch the DoS attack at the correct time, the use of stale data can cause the controller to drive the system to an unsafe state. Understanding the timing parameters of the physical processes does not only allow an attacker to construct a successful attack but also to maximize its impact (damage to the system). In this paper we use Tennessee Eastman challenge process to study an attacker that has to identify (in realtime) the optimal timing to launch a DoS attack. The choice of time to begin an attack is forward-looking, requiring the attacker to consider each opportunity against the possibility of a better opportunity in the future, and this lends itself to the theory of optimal stopping problems. In particular we study the applicability of the Best Choice Problem (also known as the Secretary Problem), quickest change detection, and statistical process outliers. Our analysis can be used to identify specific sensor measurements that need to be protected, and the time that security or safety teams required to respond to attacks, before they cause major damage.
Keywords: CUSUM, DoS attacks, Tennessee eastman process, cyber-physical systems, optimal stopping problems (ID#: 15-5030)
John Slankas, Xusheng Xiao, Laurie Williams, Tao Xie; Relation Extraction for Inferring Access Control Rules From Natural Language Artifacts; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 366-375. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664280 With over forty years of use and refinement, access control, often in the form of access control rules (ACRs), continues to be a significant control mechanism for information security. However, ACRs are typically either buried within existing natural language (NL) artifacts or elicited from subject matter experts. To address the first situation, our research goal is to aid developers who implement ACRs by inferring ACRs from NL artifacts. To aid in rule inference, we propose an approach that extracts relations (i.e., the relationship among two or more items) from NL artifacts such as requirements documents. Unlike existing approaches, our approach combines techniques from information extraction and machine learning. We develop an iterative algorithm to discover patterns that represent ACRs in sentences. We seed this algorithm with frequently occurring nouns matching a subject--action--resource pattern throughout a document. The algorithm then searches for additional combinations of those nouns to discover additional patterns. We evaluate our approach on documents from three systems in three domains: conference management, education, and healthcare. Our evaluation results show that ACRs exist in 47% of the sentences, and our approach effectively identifies those ACR sentences with a precision of 81% and recall of 65%; our approach extracts ACRs from those identified ACR sentences with an average precision of 76% and an average recall of 49%.
Keywords: access control, classification, natural language parsing, security (ID#: 15-5031)
Marios Pomonis, Theofilos Petsios, Kangkook Jee, Michalis Polychronakis, Angelos D. Keromytis; IntFlow: Improving the Accuracy Of Arithmetic Error Detection Using Information Flow Tracking; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 416-425. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664282 Integer overflow and underflow, signedness conversion, and other types of arithmetic errors in C/C++ programs are among the most common software flaws that result in exploitable vulnerabilities. Despite significant advances in automating the detection of arithmetic errors, existing tools have not seen widespread adoption mainly due to their increased number of false positives. Developers rely on wrap-around counters, bit shifts, and other language constructs for performance optimizations and code compactness, but those same constructs, along with incorrect assumptions and conditions of undefined behavior, are often the main cause of severe vulnerabilities. Accurate differentiation between legitimate and erroneous uses of arithmetic language intricacies thus remains an open problem. As a step towards addressing this issue, we present IntFlow, an accurate arithmetic error detection tool that combines static information flow tracking and dynamic program analysis. By associating sources of untrusted input with the identified arithmetic errors, IntFlow differentiates between non-critical, possibly developer-intended undefined arithmetic operations, and potentially exploitable arithmetic bugs. IntFlow examines a broad set of integer errors, covering almost all cases of C/C++ undefined behaviors, and achieves high error detection coverage. We evaluated IntFlow using the SPEC benchmarks and a series of real-world applications, and measured its effectiveness in detecting arithmetic error vulnerabilities and reducing false positives. IntFlow successfully detected all real-world vulnerabilities for the tested applications and achieved a reduction of 89% in false positives over standalone static code instrumentation.
Keywords: arithmetic errors, information flow tracking, static analysis (ID#: 15-5032)
Tamara Denning, Daniel B. Kramer, Batya Friedman, Matthew R. Reynolds, Brian Gill, Tadayoshi Kohno; CPS: Beyond Usability: Applying Value Sensitive Design Based Methods To Investigate Domain Characteristics For Security For Implantable Cardiac Devices; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 426-435. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664289 Wireless implantable medical devices (IMDs) are cyber-physical systems that deliver life-saving treatments to cardiac patients with dangerous heart conditions. Current access control models for these systems are insufficient; more security is necessary. In response to this problem, the technical security community has investigated new directions for improving security on these resource-constrained devices. Defenses, however, must not only be technically secure; in order to be deployable, defenses must be designed to work within the needs and constraints of their relevant application spaces. Designing for an application space---particularly a specialized one---requires a deep understanding of the stakeholders, their values, and the contexts of technology usage. Grounding our work in value sensitive design (VSD), we collaborated as an interdisciplinary team to conduct three workshops with medical providers for the purpose of gathering their values and perspectives. The structure of our workshop builds on known workshop structures within the human-computer interaction (HCI) community, and the number of participants in our workshops (N=24) is compatible with current practices for inductive, exploratory studies. We present results on: what the participants find important with respect to providing care and performing their jobs; their reactions to potential security system concepts; and their views on what security system properties should be sought or avoided due to side effects within the context of their work practice. We synthesize these results, use the results to articulate design considerations for future technical security systems, and suggest directions for further research. Our research not only provides a contribution to security research for an important class of cyber-physical systems (IMDs); it also provides an example of leveraging techniques from other communities to better explore the landscape of security designs for technologies.
Keywords: cyber-physical systems, envisioning workshops, human factors, implantable cardiac devices, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, implantable medical devices, medical, methods, pacemaker, practical security, privacy, security, stakeholders, value sensitive design (ID#: 15-5033)
Dina Hadžiosmanović, Robin Sommer, Emmanuele Zambon, Pieter H. Hartel; Through the Eye of the PLC: Semantic Security Monitoring for Industrial Processes; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 126-135. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664277 Off-the-shelf intrusion detection systems prove an ill fit for protecting industrial control systems, as they do not take their process semantics into account. Specifically, current systems fail to detect recent process control attacks that manifest as unauthorized changes to the configuration of a plant's programmable logic controllers (PLCs). In this work we present a detector that continuously tracks updates to corresponding process variables to then derive variable-specific prediction models as the basis for assessing future activity. Taking a specification-agnostic approach, we passively monitor plant activity by extracting variable updates from the devices' network communication. We evaluate the capabilities of our detection approach with traffic recorded at two operational water treatment plants serving a total of about one million people in two urban areas. We show that the proposed approach can detect direct attacks on process control, and we further explore its potential to identify more sophisticated indirect attacks on field device measurements as well.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5034)
Jason Gionta, Ahmed Azab, William Enck, Peng Ning, Xiaolan Zhang; SEER: Practical Memory Virus Scanning As a Service; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 186-195. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664271 Virus Scanning-as-a-Service (VSaaS) has emerged as a popular security solution for virtual cloud environments. However, existing approaches fail to scan guest memory, which can contain an emerging class of Memory-only Malware. While several host-based memory scanners are available, they are computationally less practical for cloud environments. This paper proposes SEER as an architecture for enabling Memory VSaaS for virtualized environments. SEER leverages cloud resources and technologies to consolidate and aggregate virus scanning activities to efficiently detect malware residing in memory. Specifically, SEER combines fast memory snapshotting and computation deduplication to provide practical and efficient off-host memory virus scanning. We evaluate SEER and demonstrate up to an 87% reduction in data size that must be scanned and up to 72% savings in overall scan time, compared to naively applying file-based scanning approaches. Furthermore, SEER provides a 50% reduction in scan time when using a warm cache. In doing so, SEER provides a practical solution for cloud vendors to transparently and periodically scan virtual machine memory for malware.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5035)
Yinzhi Cao, Xiang Pan, Yan Chen, Jianwei Zhuge; JShield: Towards Real-Time And Vulnerability-Based Detection Of Polluted Drive-By Download Attacks; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 466-475. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664256 Drive-by download attacks, which exploit vulnerabilities of web browsers to control client computers, have become a major venue for attackers. To detect such attacks, researchers have proposed many approaches such as anomaly-based [22, 23] and vulnerability-based [44, 50] detections. However, anomaly-based approaches are vulnerable to data pollution, and existing vulnerability-based approaches cannot accurately describe the vulnerability condition of all the drive-by download attacks. In this paper, we propose a vulnerability-based approach, namely JShield, which uses novel opcode vulnerability signature, a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) with a variable pool at opcode level, to match drive-by download vulnerabilities. We investigate all the JavaScript engine vulnerabilities of web browsers from 2009 to 2014, as well as those of portable document files (PDF) readers from 2007 to 2014. JShield is able to match all of those vulnerabilities; furthermore, the overall evaluation shows that JShield is so lightweight that it only adds 2.39 percent of overhead to original execution as the median among top 500 Alexa web sites.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5036)
Chao Yang, Jialong Zhang, Guofei Gu; A Taste of Tweets: Reverse Engineering Twitter Spammers; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 86-95. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664258 In this paper, through reverse engineering Twitter spammers' tastes (their preferred targets to spam), we aim at providing guidelines for building more effective social honeypots, and generating new insights to defend against social spammers. Specifically, we first perform a measurement study by deploying "benchmark" social honeypots on Twitter with diverse and fine-grained social behavior patterns to trap spammers. After five months' data collection, we make a deep analysis on how Twitter spammers find their targets. Based on the analysis, we evaluate our new guidelines for building effective social honeypots by implementing "advanced" honeypots. Particularly, within the same time period, using those advanced honeypots can trap spammers around 26 times faster than using "traditional" honeypots. In the second part of our study, we investigate new active collection approaches to complement the fundamentally passive procedure of using honeypots to slowly attract spammers. Our goal is that, given limited resources/time, instead of blindly crawling all possible (or randomly sampling) Twitter accounts at the first place (for later spammer analysis), we need a lightweight strategy to prioritize the active crawling/sampling of more likely spam accounts from the huge Twittersphere. Applying what we have learned about the tastes of spammers, we design two new, active and guided sampling approaches for collecting most likely spammer accounts during the crawling. According to our evaluation, our strategies could efficiently crawl/sample over 17,000 spam accounts within a short time with a considerably high "Hit Ratio", i.e., collecting 6 correct spam accounts in every 10 sampled accounts.
Keywords: Twitter, online social network websites, spam (ID#: 15-5037)
Weixuan Mao, Zhongmin Cai, Xiaohong Guan, Don Towsley; Centrality Metrics of Importance in Access Behaviors And Malware Detections; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 376-385. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664286 System objects play different roles in a computer system and exhibit different degrees of importance with respect to system security. Identifying importance metrics can help us to develop more effective and efficient security protection methods. However, there is little previous work on evaluating the importance of objects from the perspective of security. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to evaluate the importance of various system objects based on a bipartite dependency network representation of access behaviors observed in a computer system. We introduce centrality metrics from network science to quantitatively measure the relative importance of system objects and reveal their inherent connections to security properties such as integrity and confidentiality. Furthermore, we propose importance-metric based models to characterize process behaviors and identify abnormal access patterns with respect to confidentiality and integrity. Extensive experimental results on one real-world dataset demonstrate that our model is capable of detecting 7,257 malware samples from 27,840 benign processes at 93.94% TPR under 0.1% FPR. Moreover, a selective protection scheme based on a partial behavioral model of important objects achieves comparable or even better results in malware detection when compared with complete behavior models. This demonstrates the feasibility of the devised importance metrics and presents a promising new approach to malware detection.
Keywords: access behaviors, centrality, importance metrics, malware detection (ID#: 15-5038)
Raoul Strackx, Bart Jacobs, Frank Piessens; ICE: a Passive, High-Speed, State-Continuity Scheme; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 106-115. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664259 The amount of trust that can be placed in commodity computing platforms is limited by the likelihood of vulnerabilities in their huge software stacks. Protected-module architectures, such as Intel SGX, provide an interesting alternative by isolating the execution of software modules. To minimize the amount of code that provides support for the protected-module architecture, persistent storage of (confidentiality and integrity protected) states of modules can be delegated to the untrusted operating system. But precautions should be taken to ensure state continuity: an attacker should not be able to cause a module to use stale states (a so-called rollback attack), and while the system is not under attack, a module should always be able to make progress, even when the system could crash or lose power at unexpected, random points in time (i.e., the system should be crash resilient). Providing state-continuity support is non-trivial as many algorithms are vulnerable to attack, require on-chip non-volatile memory, wear-out existing off-chip secure non-volatile memory and/or are too slow for many applications. We present ICE, a system and algorithm providing state-continuity guarantees to protected modules. ICE's novelty lies in the facts that (1) it does not rely on secure non-volatile storage for every state update (e.g., the slow TPM chip). (2) ICE is a passive security measure. An attacker interrupting the main power supply or any other source of power, cannot break state-continuity. (3) Benchmarks show that ICE already enables state-continuous updates almost 5x faster than writing to TPM NVRAM. With dedicated hardware, performance can be increased 2 orders of magnitude. ICE's security properties are guaranteed by means of a machine-checked proof and a prototype implementation is evaluated on commodity hardware.
Keywords: (not provided) (ID#: 15-5039)
Tamas K. Lengyel, Steve Maresca, Bryan D. Payne, George D. Webster, Sebastian Vogl, Aggelos Kiayias; Scalability, Fidelity and Stealth in the DRAKVUF Dynamic Malware Analysis System; ACSAC '14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, Pages 386-395. Doi: 10.1145/2664243.2664252 Malware is one of the biggest security threats on the Internet today and deploying effective defensive solutions requires the rapid analysis of a continuously increasing number of malware samples. With the proliferation of metamorphic malware the analysis is further complicated as the efficacy of signature-based static analysis systems is greatly reduced. While dynamic malware analysis is an effective alternative, the approach faces significant challenges as the ever increasing number of samples requiring analysis places a burden on hardware resources. At the same time modern malware can both detect the monitoring environment and hide in unmonitored corners of the system. In this paper we present DRAKVUF, a novel dynamic malware analysis system designed to address these challenges by building on the latest hardware virtualization extensions and the Xen hypervisor. We present a technique for improving stealth by initiating the execution of malware samples without leaving any trace in the analysis machine. We also present novel techniques to eliminate blind-spots created by kernel-mode rootkits by extending the scope of monitoring to include kernel internal functions, and to monitor file-system accesses through the kernel's heap allocations. With extensive tests performed on recent malware samples we show that DRAKVUF achieves significant improvements in conserving hardware resources while providing a stealthy, in-depth view into the behavior of modern malware.
Keywords: dynamic malware analysis, virtual machine introspection (ID#: 15-5040)
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