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International Conferences: Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) Singapore

The IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) was held April 7-9, 2015 in Singapore. While the research presented covers many aspects of cyber-physical systems, much of it has specific implications for the hard problems in the Science of Security, particularly resiliency. These works are cited here. Citations were recovered on July 2, 2015.

Nigussie, E.; Teng Xu; Potkonjak, M., "Securing Wireless Body Sensor Networks Using Bijective Function-Based Hardware Primitive," Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 1, 6, 7-9 April 2015. doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2015.7106907
Abstract: We present a novel lightweight hardware security primitive for wireless body sensor networks (WBSNs). Security of WBSNs is crucial and the security solution must be lightweight due to resource constraints in the body senor nodes. The presented security primitive is based on digital implementation of bidirectional bijective function. The one-to-one input-output mapping of the function is realized using a network of lookup tables (LUTs). The bidirectionality of the function enables implementation of security protocols with lower overheads. The configuration of the interstage interconnection between the LUTs serves as the shared secret key. Authentication, encryption/decryption and message integrity protocols are formulated using the proposed security primitive. NIST randomness benchmark suite is applied to this security primitive and it passes all the tests. It also achieves higher throughput and requires less area than AES-CCM.
Keywords: body sensor networks; cryptographic protocols; table lookup; telecommunication security; wireless sensor networks; LUT; WBSN security; bidirectional bijective function; bijective function; body senor nodes; digital implementation; encryption-decryption; hardware primitive; lightweight hardware security primitive; lookup tables; message integrity protocols; one-to-one input-output mapping; resource constraints; securing wireless body sensor networks; security protocols; Authentication; Encryption; Protocols; Radiation detectors; Receivers; Table lookup (ID#: 15-6325)

Hoang Giang Do; Wee Keong Ng, "Privacy-Preserving Approach for Sharing And Processing Intrusion Alert Data," Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 1, 6, 7-9 April 2015. doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2015.7106911
Abstract: Amplified and disrupting cyber-attacks might lead to severe security incidents with drastic consequences such as large property damage, sensitive information breach, or even disruption of the national economy. While traditional intrusion detection and prevention system might successfully detect low or moderate levels of attack, the cooperation among different organizations is necessary to defend against multi-stage and large-scale cyber-attacks. Correlating intrusion alerts from a shared database of multiple sources provides security analysts with succinct and high-level patterns of cyber-attacks - a powerful tool to combat with sophisticate attacks. However, sharing intrusion alert data raises a significant privacy concern among data holders, since publishing this information means a risk of exposing other sensitive information such as intranet topology, network services, and the security infrastructure. This paper discusses possible cryptographic approaches to tackle this issue. Organizers can encrypt their intrusion alert data to protect data confidentiality and outsource them to a shared server to reduce the cost of storage and maintenance, while, at the same time, benefit from a larger source of information for alert correlation process. Two privacy preserving alert correlation techniques are proposed under semi-honest model. These methods are based on attribute similarity and prerequisite/consequence conditions of cyber-attacks.
Keywords: cryptography; data privacy; intranets; cryptographic approach; cyber-attacks; intranet topology; intrusion alert data processing; intrusion alert data sharing; large-scale cyber-attacks; network services; privacy-preserving approach; security infrastructure; Encryption; Sensors (ID#: 15-6326)

Silva, R.; Sa Silva, J.; Boavida, F., "A Symbiotic Resources Sharing IoT Platform in the Smart Cities Context," Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on, vol., no., pp.1,6, 7-9 April 2015. doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2015.7106922
Abstract: Large urban areas are nowadays covered by millions of wireless devices, including not only cellular equipment carried by their inhabitants, but also several ubiquitous and pervasive platforms used to monitor and/or actuate on a variety of phenomena in the city area. Whereas the former are increasingly powerful devices equipped with advanced processors, large memory capacity, high bandwidth, and several wireless interfaces, the latter are typically resource constrained systems. Despite their differences, both kinds of systems share the same ecosystem, and therefore, it is possible to build symbiotic relationships between them. Our research aims at creating a resource-sharing platform to support such relationships, in the perspective that resource unconstrained devices can assist constrained ones, while the latter can extend the features of the former. Resource sharing between heterogeneous networks in an urban area poses several challenges, not only from a technical point of view, but also from a social perspective. In this paper we present our symbiotic resource-sharing proposal while discussing its impact on networks and citizens. 
Keywords: Internet of Things; mobile computing; resource allocation; smart cities; heterogeneous networks; mobile devices; pervasive platform; resource constrained systems; resource unconstrained devices; smart cities context; social perspective; symbiotic relationships; symbiotic resources sharing IoT platform; ubiquitous platform; wireless devices; Cities and towns; Mobile communication; Mobile handsets; Security; Symbiosis; Wireless communication; Wireless sensor networks (ID#: 15-6327)

Alohali, B.A.; Vassialkis, V.G., "Secure And Energy-Efficient Multicast Routing in Smart Grids," Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 1, 6, 7-9 April 2015. doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2015.7106929
Abstract: A smart grid is a power system that uses information and communication technology to operate, monitor, and control data flows between the power generating source and the end user. It aims at high efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of the electricity supply process that is provided by the utility centre and is distributed from generation stations to clients. To this end, energy-efficient multicast communication is an important requirement to serve a group of residents in a neighbourhood. However, the multicast routing introduces new challenges in terms of secure operation of the smart grid and user privacy. In this paper, after having analysed the security threats for multicast-enabled smart grids, we propose a novel multicast routing protocol that is both sufficiently secure and energy efficient. We also evaluate the performance of the proposed protocol by means of computer simulations, in terms of its energy-efficient operation.
Keywords: data flow computing; data privacy; multicast protocols; power system analysis computing; power system reliability; routing protocols; smart power grids; telecommunication security; data flow control; data flow monitoring; data flow operation; electricity supply high efficiency; electricity supply reliability; electricity supply sustainability; end user; energy-efficient multicast communication; energy-efficient multicast routing; generation stations; information-and-communication technology; multicast-enabled smart grids; power generating source; power system ;secure multicast routing protocol; security threats; user privacy; utility centre; Authentication; Protocols; Public key; Routing; Smart meters; Multicast; Secure Routing; Smart Grid (ID#: 15-6328)

Saleh, M.; El-Meniawy, N.; Sourour, E., "Routing-Guided Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks," Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on, vol., no., pp.1,6, 7-9 April 2015. doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2015.7106939
Abstract: Entity authentication is a crucial security objective since it enables network nodes to verify the identity of each other. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are composed of a large number of possibly mobile nodes, which are limited in computational, storage and energy resources. These characteristics pose a challenge to entity authentication protocols and security in general. We propose an authentication protocol whose execution is integrated within routing. This is in contrast to currently proposed protocols, in which a node tries to authenticate itself to other nodes without an explicit tie to the underlying routing protocol. In our protocol, nodes discover shared keys, authenticate themselves to each other and build routing paths all in a synergistic way.
Keywords: cryptographic protocols; mobile radio; routing protocols; wireless sensor networks; WSN routing protocol; entity authentication protocol; wireless sensor network mobile node; Ad hoc networks; Cryptography; Media Access Protocol; Mobile computing; Wireless sensor networks (ID#: 15-6329)

Bose, T.; Bandyopadhyay, S.; Ukil, A.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Pal, A., "Why Not Keep Your Personal Data Secure Yet Private in IoT?: Our Lightweight Approach," Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 1, 6, 7-9 April 2015. doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2015.7106942
Abstract: IoT (Internet of Things) systems are resource-constrained and primarily depend on sensors for contextual, physiological and behavioral information. Sensitive nature of sensor data incurs high probability of privacy breaching risk due to intended or malicious disclosure. Uncertainty about privacy cost while sharing sensitive sensor data through Internet would mostly result in overprovisioning of security mechanisms and it is detrimental for IoT scalability. In this paper, we propose a novel method of optimizing the need for IoT security enablement, which is based on the estimated privacy risk of shareable sensor data. Particularly, our scheme serves two objectives, viz. privacy risk assessment and optimizing the secure transmission based on that assessment. The challenges are, firstly, to determine the degree of privacy, and evaluate a privacy score from the fine-grained sensor data and, secondly, to preserve the privacy content through secure transfer of the data, adapted based on the measured privacy score. We further meet this objective by introducing and adapting a lightweight scheme for secure channel establishment between the sensing device and the data collection unit/ backend application embedded within CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol), a candidate IoT application protocol and using UDP as a transport. We consider smart energy management, a killer IoT application, as the use-case where smart energy meter data contains private information about the residents. Our results with real household smart meter data demonstrate the efficacy of our scheme.
Keywords: Internet; Internet of Things; data privacy; energy management systems; risk management; security of data; transport protocols; CoAP; Internet; Internet of Things systems; UDP; behavioral information; constrained application protocol; contextual information; data collection unit; fine-grained sensor data; loT scalability; loT security enablement; malicious disclosure; personal data privacy; personal data security; physiological information; privacy breaching risk; privacy risk assessment; resource-constrained loT systems; shareable sensor data; smart energy management; Encryption; IP networks; Optimization; Physiology; Privacy; Sensitivity; CoAP; IoT; Lightweight; Privacy; Security; Smart meter (ID#: 15-6330)

Unger, S.; Timmermann, D., "DPWSec: Devices profile for Web Services Security," Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 1, 6, 7-9 April 2015. doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2015.7106961
Abstract: As cyber-physical systems (CPS) build a foundation for visions such as the Internet of Things (IoT) or Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), their communication security is crucial so they cannot be abused for invading our privacy and endangering our safety. In the past years many communication technologies have been introduced for critically resource-constrained devices such as simple sensors and actuators as found in CPS. However, many do not consider security at all or in a way that is not suitable for CPS. Also, the proposed solutions are not interoperable although this is considered a key factor for market acceptance. Instead of proposing yet another security scheme, we looked for an existing, time-proven solution that is widely accepted in a closely related domain as an interoperable security framework for resource-constrained devices. The candidate of our choice is the Web Services Security specification suite. We analysed its core concepts and isolated the parts suitable and necessary for embedded systems. In this paper we describe the methodology we developed and applied to derive the Devices Profile for Web Services Security (DPWSec). We discuss our findings by presenting the resulting architecture for message level security, authentication and authorization and the profile we developed as a subset of the original specifications. We demonstrate the feasibility of our results by discussing the proof-of-concept implementation of the developed profile and the security architecture.
Keywords: Internet; Internet of Things; Web services; ambient intelligence; assisted living; security of data; AAL; CPS; DPWSec; IoT; ambient assisted living; communication security; cyber-physical system; devices profile for Web services security; interoperable security framework; message level security; resource-constrained devices; Authentication; Authorization; Cryptography; Interoperability; Applied Cryptography; Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS); DPWS; Intelligent Environments; Internet of Things (IoT); Usability (ID#: 15-6331)

Van den Abeele, F.; Vandewinckele, T.; Hoebeke, J.; Moerman, I.; Demeester, P., "Secure Communication in IP-Based Wireless Sensor Networks via aTrusted Gateway," Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 1, 6, 7-9 April 2015. doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2015.7106963
Abstract: As the IP-integration of wireless sensor networks enables end-to-end interactions, solutions to appropriately secure these interactions with hosts on the Internet are necessary. At the same time, burdening wireless sensors with heavy security protocols should be avoided. While Datagram TLS (DTLS) strikes a good balance between these requirements, it entails a high cost for setting up communication sessions. Furthermore, not all types of communication have the same security requirements: e.g. some interactions might only require authorization and do not need confidentiality. In this paper we propose and evaluate an approach that relies on a trusted gateway to mitigate the high cost of the DTLS handshake in the WSN and to provide the flexibility necessary to support a variety of security requirements. The evaluation shows that our approach leads to considerable energy savings and latency reduction when compared to a standard DTLS use case, while requiring no changes to the end hosts themselves.
Keywords: IP networks; Internet; authorisation; computer network security; energy conservation; internetworking; protocols; telecommunication power management; trusted computing; wireless sensor networks; DTLS handshake; Internet; WSN authorization; communication security; datagram TLS; end-to-end interactions; energy savings; heavy security protocol; latency reduction; trusted gateway; wireless sensor network IP integration; Bismuth; Cryptography; Logic gates; Random access memory; Read only memory; Servers; Wireless sensor networks;6LoWPAN;CoAP;DTLS;Gateway;IP;IoT; Wireless sensor networks (ID#: 15-6332)

Kurniawan, A.; Kyas, M., "A Trust Model-Based Bayesian Decision Theory in Large Scale Internet of Things," Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 1, 5, 7-9 April 2015. doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2015.7106964
Abstract: In addressing the growing problem of security of Internet of Things, we present, from a statistical decision point of view, a naval approach for trust-based access control using Bayesian decision theory. We build a trust model, TrustBayes which represents a trust level for identity management in IoT. TrustBayes model is be applied to address access control on uncertainty environment where identities are not known in advance. The model consists of EX (Experience), KN (Knowledge) and RC (Recommendation) values which is be obtained in measurement while a IoT device requests to access a resource. A decision will be taken based model parameters and be computed using Bayesian decision rules. To evaluate our a trust model, we do a statistical analysis and simulate it using OMNeT++ to investigate battery usage. The simulation result shows that the Bayesian decision theory approach for trust based access control guarantees scalability and it is energy efficient as increasing number of devices and not affecting the functioning and performance.
Keywords: Bayes methods; Internet of Things; authorisation; decision theory; statistical analysis; Bayesian decision rules; EX value; KN value; OMNeT++; RC value; TrustBayes model; battery usage; experience value; identity management; knowledge value; large scale Internet-of-things; recommendation value; statistical analysis; statistical decision point; trust model-based Bayesian decision theory; trust-based access control; uncertainty environment; Batteries; Communication system security; Scalability; Wireless communication; Wireless sensor networks; Access Control; Decision making; Decision theory; Trust Management (ID#: 15-6333)

Ozvural, G.; Kurt, G.K., "Advanced Approaches for Wireless Sensor Network Applications and Cloud Analytics," Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 1, 5, 7-9 April 2015. doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2015.7106979
Abstract: Although wireless sensor network applications are still at early stages of development in the industry, it is obvious that it will pervasively come true and billions of embedded microcomputers will become online for the purpose of remote sensing, actuation and sharing information. According to the estimations, there will be 50 billion connected sensors or things by the year 2020. As we are developing first to market wireless sensor-actuator network devices, we have chance to identify design parameters, define technical infrastructure and make an effort to meet scalable system requirements. In this manner, required research and development activities must involve several research directions such as massive scaling, creating information and big data, robustness, security, privacy and human-in-the-loop. In this study, wireless sensor networks and Internet of things concepts are not only investigated theoretically but also the proposed system is designed and implemented end-to-end. Low rate wireless personal area network sensor nodes with random network coding capability are used for remote sensing and actuation. Low throughput embedded IP gateway node is developed utilizing both random network coding at low rate wireless personal area network side and low overhead websocket protocol for cloud communications side. Service-oriented design pattern is proposed for wireless sensor network cloud data analytics.
Keywords: IP networks; Internet of Things; cloud computing; data analysis; microcomputers; network coding; personal area networks; protocols; random codes; remote sensing; service-oriented architecture; wireless sensor networks; Internet of things concept; actuation; cloud communications side; cloud data analytics; design parameter identification; embedded microcomputer; information sharing; low throughput embedded IP gateway; overhead websocket protocol; random network coding capability; service-oriented design pattern; wireless personal area network sensor node; wireless sensor-actuator network device; IP networks; Logic gates; Network coding; Protocols; Relays; Wireless sensor networks; Zigbee (ID#: 15-6334)


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