Internet of Vehicles 2015
SoS Newsletter- Advanced Book Block
Internet of Vehicles 2015 |
The term “Internet of Vehicles” refers to a system of the Internet of Things related to automobiles and other vehicles. It may include Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). For the Science of Security community, it is important relative to cyber physical systems, resilience, human factors and metrics. The work cited here was presented in 2015.
Huiyong Li; Yuanrui Zhang; Yixiang Chen, "PSTEP - A Novel Probabilistic Event Processing Language for Uncertain Spatio-temporal Event Streams of Internet of Vehicles," in Software Quality, Reliability and Security - Companion (QRS-C), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 161-168, 3-5 Aug. 2015. doi: 10.1109/QRS-C.2015.43
Abstract: Internet of Vehicles (IoV, shortly) is a typical system of Internet of Things. Spatio-Temporal event stream is one of basic features of IoV. These event streams often are uncertain due to the limit of the monitoring device and the high speed of vehicles. Developing an event processing language to process these spatio-temporal event streams with uncertainty is a challenge issue. The goal of this paper is to develop a Probabilistic Event Processing Language, called as Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Event Processing language (PSTEP, shortly), dealing with this challenge issue. In PSTEP, we use the Possible World Model to express uncertain spatio-temporal events of IoV and assign a spatio-temporal event with a probability which is the threshold value for processing the existence of an event. We establish its syntax and operational semantics. Finally, a case study is given to show the effectiveness of the PSTEP language.
Keywords: Internet; probability ;uncertain systems; Internet of Vehicles; IoV; PSTEP language; possible world model; probabilistic spatio-temporal event processing language; uncertain spatio-temporal event streams; Data models; Intelligent vehicles; Internet of things; Monitoring; Probabilistic logic; Spatial databases; Syntactics; Event Processing Language; Event-Driven Architecture; Formal Semantics; Internet of Things; Internet of Vehicles; Mobile System; Uncertain Event (ID#: 16-9232)
Ben Jaballah, W.; Conti, M.; Mosbah, M.; Palazzi, C.E., "Impact of Security Threats in Vehicular Alert Messaging Systems," in Communication Workshop (ICCW), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 2627-2632, 8-12 June 2015. doi: 10.1109/ICCW.2015.7247575
Abstract: Automotive industry is about to make a cutting-edge step in terms of vehicular technologies by letting vehicles communicate with each other and create an Internet of Things composed by vehicles, i.e., an Internet of Vehicles (IoV). In this context, information dissemination is very useful in order to support safe critical tasks and to ensure reliability of the vehicular system. However, the industrial community focused more on safe driving and left security as an afterthought, leading to the design of insecure vehicular and transportation systems. In this paper, we address potential security threats for vehicular safety applications. In particular, we focus on a representative vehicular alert messaging system, and we point out two security threats. The first threat concerns relay broadcast message attack that forces the honest nodes to not collaborate in forwarding the message. The second threat focuses on interrupting the message relaying to degrade the network performance. Finally, we run a thorough set of simulations to assess the impact of the proposed attacks to vehicular alert messaging systems.
Keywords: Internet of Things; automobile industry; electronic messaging; security of data; Internet of Things; automotive industry; information dissemination; relay broadcast message attack; security threats; vehicular alert messaging systems; Conferences; Delays; Internet of things; Relays; Safety; Security; Vehicles (ID#: 16-9233)
Chatrapathi, C.; Rajkumar, M.N.; Venkatesakumar, V., "VANET Based Integrated Framework for Smart Accident Management System," in Soft-Computing and Networks Security (ICSNS), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1-7, 25-27 Feb. 2015. doi: 10.1109/ICSNS.2015.7292411
Abstract: Number of vehicles on the road increase dramatically in the recent years. It leads to Accidents that are the major cause of death in most of the countries. Even though there is a vast development of traffic management system and automotive technologies, the number of accidents increases day to day. In most of the cases of accidents, lack of providing quick first aid and timely medical service is the cause for loss of life. Hence it is necessary to develop a common framework for accident detection, avoiding secondary accidents, timely alert of first responder and optimizing the traffic for the first responder (ambulance). In our approach we combine emerging Internet of Things (IoT) and VANET to propose a framework for accident alerting and traffic optimization for ambulances Our approach provides reliable, autonomous framework which allows vehicles, ambulances, and hospitals to establish and maintain their network themselves. Our approach reduces the amount of time lacks in alerting ambulance and due to traffic congestion and increases the chance of saving the lives of the accident victims.
Keywords: Internet of Things; traffic engineering computing; vehicular ad hoc networks; Internet of Things; IoT; VANET based integrated framework; automotive technologies; smart accident management system; traffic management system; Accidents; Heuristic algorithms; Hospitals; Roads; Servers; Vehicles; Vehicular ad hoc networks; Body Area Networks (BAN);Internet of Things (IoT);VANET; accident detection; traffic management (ID#: 16-9234)
Santa, J.; Fernandez, P.J.; Pereniguez, F.; Bernal, F.; Skarmeta, A.F., "A Vehicular Network Mobility Framework: Architecture, Deployment and Evaluation," in Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2015 IEEE Conference on, pp. 127-132, April 26 2015-May 1 2015. doi: 10.1109/INFCOMW.2015.7179372
Abstract: Research on vehicular networks has increased for more than a decade, however, the maturity of involved technologies has been recently reached and standards/specifications in the area are being released these days. Although there are a number of protocols and network architecture proposals in the literature, above all in the Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) domain, most of them lack from realistic designs or present solutions far from being interoperable with the Future Internet. Following the ISO/ETSI guidelines in field of (vehicular) cooperative systems, this work addresses this problem by presenting a vehicular network architecture that integrates well-known Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) technologies successfully employed in Internet. More precisely, this work describes how Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) technologies such as Network Mobility (NEMO), Multiple Care-of Address Registration (MCoA), IP Security (IPsec) or Internet Key Exchange (IKE), can be used to provide network access to in-vehicle devices. A noticeable contribution of this work is that it not only offers an architecture/design perspective, but also details a deployment viewpoint of the system and validates its operation under a real performance evaluation carried out in a Spanish highway. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the solution, while the developed testbed can serve as a reference in future vehicular network scenarios.
Keywords: IP networks; Internet; intelligent transportation systems; mobile computing; mobility management (mobile radio); protocols; telecommunication security; vehicular ad hoc networks; IETF technologies; IKE; IP security; IPsec; IPv6 technologies; ISO/ETSI; Internet Protocol version 6; Internet engineering task force technologies; Internet key exchange; MCoA; NEMO; Spanish highway; VANET; cooperative systems; future Internet; multiple care-of address registration; network architecture protocols; vehicular ad-hoc network; vehicular network mobility framework; Computer architecture; Internet; Roads; Security; Telecommunication standards; Vehicles; 802.11p; IPv6; Intelligent Transportation Systems;V2I;testbeds;vehicular networks (ID#: 16-9235)
Axelrod, C.W., "Enforcing Security, Safety and Privacy for the Internet of Things," in Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT), 2015 IEEE Long Island, pp. 1-6, 1-1 May 2015. doi: 10.1109/LISAT.2015.7160214
Abstract: The connecting of physical units, such as thermostats, medical devices and self-driving vehicles, to the Internet is happening very quickly and will most likely continue to increase exponentially for some time to come. Valid concerns about security, safety and privacy do not appear to be hampering this rapid growth of the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). There have been many popular and technical publications by those in software engineering, cyber security and systems safety describing issues and proposing various “fixes.” In simple terms, they address the “why” and the “what” of IoT security, safety and privacy, but not the “how.” There are many cultural and economic reasons why security and privacy concerns are relegated to lower priorities. Also, when many systems are interconnected, the overall security, safety and privacy of the resulting systems of systems generally have not been fully considered and addressed. In order to arrive at an effective enforcement regime, we will examine the costs of implementing suitable security, safety and privacy and the economic consequences of failing to do so. We evaluated current business, professional and government structures and practices for achieving better IoT security, safety and privacy, and found them lacking. Consequently, we proposed a structure for ensuring that appropriate security, safety and privacy are built into systems from the outset. Within such a structure, enforcement can be achieved by incentives on one hand and penalties on the other. Determining the structures and rules necessary to optimize the mix of penalties and incentives is a major goal of this paper.
Keywords: Internet of Things; data privacy; security of data; Internet of Things; IoT privacy; IoT safety; IoT security; cyber security; software engineering; Government; Privacy; Safety; Security; Software; Standards; Internet of Things (IoT); privacy; safety; security; software liability; system development lifecycle (SDLC);time to value; value hills; vulnerability marketplace (ID#: 16-9236)
Razzaque, M.A.; Clarke, S., "A Security-Aware Safety Management Framework for IoT-Integrated Bikes," in Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on, pp. 92-97, 14-16 Dec. 2015. doi: 10.1109/WF-IoT.2015.7389033
Abstract: Bike and vehicle collisions often result in fatality to vulnerable bikers. Use of technologies can protect such vulnerable road users. Next generation smart bikes with sensing, computing and communication capabilities or bikes with bikers' smartphones have the potential to be integrated in an Internet of Things (IoT) environment. Unlike avoidance of inter-vehicle collisions, very limited efforts are made on IoT-integrated bikes and vehicles to avoid bike-vehicle collisions and offer bikers' safety. Moreover, these IoT-integrated bikes and vehicles will create new and different information and cyber security risks that could make existing safety solutions ineffective. To exploit the potential of IoT in an effective way, especially in bikers' safety, this work proposes a security-aware bikers' safety management framework that integrates a misbehavior detection scheme (MDS) and a collision prediction and detection scheme (CPD). The MDS, in particular for vehicles (as vehicles are mainly responsible for most bike-vehicle collisions) provides security-awareness to the framework using in-vehicle security checking and vehicles' mobility-patterns-based misbehavior detection. The MDS also includes in-vehicle driver's behavior monitoring to identify potential misbehaving drivers. The framework's MDS and the CPD relies on the improved versions of some existing solutions. Use cases of the framework demonstrates its potential in providing bikers safety.
Keywords: Internet of Things; bicycles; mobility management (mobile radio); road safety; smart phones; telecommunication security; CPD scheme; Internet of Things environment; IoT environment; IoT-integrated bikes; MDS; behavior monitoring; bike collisions; bike-vehicle collisions; collision prediction and detection scheme; cyber security risks; in-vehicle security checking; information risks; mobility-patterns-based misbehavior detection; next generation smart bikes; security-aware bikers safety management framework; security-awareness; smartphones; vulnerable road users; Cloud computing; Estimation; Roads; Security; Trajectory; Vehicles; Bikers' Safety; Bikes; Collision Prediction and Detection;Security;V2X communication (ID#: 16-9237)
Gantsou, D., "On the Use of Security Analytics for Attack Detection in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," in Cyber Security of Smart Cities, Industrial Control System and Communications (SSIC), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1-6, 5-7 Aug. 2015. doi: 10.1109/SSIC.2015.7245674
Abstract: A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a special kind of mobile ad hoc network built on top of the IEEE802.11p standard for a better adaptability to the wireless mobile environment. As it is used for both supporting vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) as well as vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications, and connecting vehicles to external resources including cloud services, Internet, and user devices while improving the road traffic conditions, VANET is a Key component of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). As such, VANET can be exposed to cyber attacks related to the wireless environment, and those of traditional information technologies systems it is connected to. However, when looking at solutions that have been proposed to address VANET security issues, it emerges that guaranteeing security in VANET essentially amounts to resorting to cryptographic-centric mechanisms. Although the use of public key Infrastructure (PKI) fulfills most VANET' security requirements related to physical properties of the wireless transmissions, simply relying on cryptography does not secure a network. This is the case for vulnerabilities at layers above the MAC layer. Because of their capability to bypass security policy control, they can still expose VANET, and thus, the ITS to cyber attacks. Thereby, one needs security solutions that go beyond cryptographic mechanisms in order cover multiple threat vectors faced by VANET. In this paper focusing on attack detection, we show how using an implementation combining observation of events and incidents from multiple sources at different layers Sybil nodes can be detected regardless of the VANET architecture.
Keywords: intelligent transportation systems; telecommunication security; vehicular ad hoc networks;IEEE802.11p standard; VANET; attack detection; cryptographic-centric mechanisms; cyber attacks; intelligent transportation systems; mobile ad hoc network; security analytics; vehicular ad hoc networks; wireless mobile environment; Communication system security; Cryptography; IP networks; Vehicles; Vehicular ad hoc networks; Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS); Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) security; attack detection (ID#: 16-9238)
Sadeghi, A.-R.; Wachsmann, C.; Waidner, M., "Security and Privacy Challenges in Industrial Internet of Things," in Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2015 52nd ACM/EDAC/IEEE, pp. 1-6, 8-12 June 2015. doi: 10.1145/2744769.2747942.
Abstract: Today, embedded, mobile, and cyberphysical systems are ubiquitous and used in many applications, from industrial control systems, modern vehicles, to critical infrastructure. Current trends and initiatives, such as “Industrie 4.0” and Internet of Things (IoT), promise innovative business models and novel user experiences through strong connectivity and effective use of next generation of embedded devices. These systems generate, process, and exchange vast amounts of security-critical and privacy-sensitive data, which makes them attractive targets of attacks. Cyberattacks on IoT systems are very critical since they may cause physical damage and even threaten human lives. The complexity of these systems and the potential impact of cyberattacks bring upon new threats. This paper gives an introduction to Industrial IoT systems, the related security and privacy challenges, and an outlook on possible solutions towards a holistic security framework for Industrial IoT systems.
Keywords: Internet of Things; data privacy; embedded systems; industrial control; mobile computing; security of data; Industrie 4.0;business models; cyberattacks; cyberphysical system; embedded system; industrial Internet of Things; industrial IoT systems; industrial control systems; mobile system; privacy-sensitive data; security-critical data; user experiences; Computer architecture; Privacy; Production facilities; Production systems; Security; Software (ID#: 16-9239)
Aggarwal, M.; Katal, A.; Prabhakar, R., "Bus Locator: Application for Time Management and Security," in Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICACCE), 2015 Second International Conference on, pp. 519-523, 1-2 May 2015. doi: 10.1109/ICACCE.2015.134
Abstract: Due to increase in crime like abduction, persistent attacks, etc., the personal security and safety of passengers is becoming more and more important to the family, organizations and government. This has been noticed that maximum abductions are occurring at the bus stops where the passengers are waiting for their respective vehicles. The mismatch in the schedule of the vehicles and the passengers gives an edge to the culprits to commit the crime. In this paper we have discussed the troubles that are faced by passengers waiting for vehicles because of the mismatch in the timing which leads to poor time management and increase in security attacks. In order to solve this problem we have proposed a solution in which we have developed an android based application that helps the passengers to keep themselves updated about the current location of the vehicle. This approach is different as we have implemented it by sending the information through text messages with no internet connectivity and no android phone. Passengers waiting at their respective stops will be able to know where the vehicle has reached. This will help them to manage their time and ensure their security and safety.
Keywords: law; safety; security; time management; traffic engineering computing; bus locator; crime; passengers safety; personal security; security attacks; time management; Layout; Mobile communication; Security; Smart phones; Vehicles; Android Bus Locator; location Listener; Main Activity; SmsManager; Start Service; Stop Service Algorithms (ID#: 16-9240)
Becsi, T.; Aradi, S.; Gaspar, P., "Security Issues and Vulnerabilities in Connected Car Systems," in Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 477-482, 3-5 June 2015. doi: 10.1109/MTITS.2015.7223297
Abstract: The Connected Revolution has reached the automotive industry and the Internet penetrates into the modern vehicles. Formerly acquiring data from a vehicle was the tool of Fleet Management Systems handling commercial vehicles. In the recent years connectivity began to appear in the passenger vehicles also. The first features were infotainment and navigation, having low security needs remaining far from the vehicular networks. Then telematics and remote control, such as keyless entry appeared and created a new security threat in the vehicle. The paper shows how the connected feature changes the vehicle and also presents vulnerabilities of each element to show the importance of cautious system security design.
Keywords: automobiles; intelligent transportation systems; security of data; vehicular ad hoc networks; Internet; automotive industry; connected car systems; connected revolution; fleet management systems; infotainment; keyless entry; navigation; passenger vehicles; remote control; security issues; security threat; security vulnerabilities; system security design; telematics; vehicular networks; Internet; Logic gates; Mobile communication; Mobile handsets; Security; Vehicles; Wireless communication; Connected Car; Security (ID#: 16-9241)
Zhuo Bi; Deji Chen; Cheng Wang; Changjun Jiang; Ming Chen, "Adopting WirelessHART for In-vehicle-Networking," in High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), 2015 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS), 2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), 2015 IEEE 17th International Conference on, pp. 1027-1030, 24-26 Aug. 2015. doi: 10.1109/HPCC-CSS-ICESS.2015.244
Abstract: It is estimated that the breakthrough in the broad deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) could come from smart cars. Indeed, we have seen multi-facet advances around cars: new material, in vehicle infotainment, driverless cars, smart transportation, electrical vehicles, etc. However, in-vehicle-networking has been mainly by wire, the wiring for a car is largely pre-built during the design phase. With more and more things networked within a car, wiring has taken up 1-2 percent of the total weight. This translates into burning up to 0.1 kilogram fuel over 100 kilometers. On the other hand, the advances in wireless technology, especially the broad acceptance of WirelssHART in the industrial settings, has proved its capability in harsh environments. This paper studies what could happen if we use WirelessHART mesh network for in-vehicle communication. While new wireless network protocols are needed to perform the task of CAN, the dominant in-vehicle fieldbus, WirelessHART could take on the work performed by LIN, the fieldbus for peripheral devices. A detailed study is provided to compare these buses. Road tests were performed, in which a WirelessHART network keeps running for the whole 20 minute period.
Keywords: Internet of Things; controller area networks; field buses; on-board communications; wireless mesh networks; CAN; Internet of Things; IoT; LIN; WirelessHART mesh network; driverless car; electrical vehicle; in-vehicle fieldbus; in-vehicle networking; smart car; vehicle infotainment; Communication system security; Protocols; Standards; Vehicles; Wireless communication; Wireless sensor networks; Wires; CAN; LIN; Reliable Wireless Sensor Network; Smart Car; WirelessHART (ID#: 16-9242)
Ahmed, K.J.; Lee, M.J.; Jie Li, "Layered Scalable WAVE Security for VANET," in Military Communications Conference, MILCOM 2015 - 2015 IEEE, pp. 1566-1571, 26-28 Oct. 2015. doi: 10.1109/MILCOM.2015.7357668
Abstract: We are proposing a layered and scalable WAVE (Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments) security structure for VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Network) network. The scalability and variable message delivery are provided by using both asymmetric and symmetric encryption algorithm. The whole region is divided into different security domains and the security related load of each domain is distributed evenly. At the top Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) generates keys and store information of Master and Edge RSU (MRSU/ERSU), which in turn store the keys and information of RSU. MRSU/ERSU also provide the pseudonym seeds and store information of vehicles. RSU is used only as access point for contacting transportation authority or access internet. High priority emergency message delivery is expedited by using symmetric key cryptography. Besides, the simulation comparison shows that our scheme also provide significantly improved network throughput without compromising security goals.
Keywords: Internet; public key cryptography; telecommunication security; vehicular ad hoc networks; ERSU; Internet; MRSU; RTA; Regional Transportation Authority; VANET network; access point; asymmetric encryption algorithm; edge RSU; information storage; key generation; layered scalable WAVE security structure; master RSU; network throughput improvement; pseudonym seeds; scalability message delivery; security related load; symmetric encryption algorithm; symmetric key cryptography; variable message delivery; vehicular ad hoc network; wireless access for vehicular environments; Privacy; Protocols; Public key; Scalability; Vehicles; Vehicular ad hoc networks; Mobile ad hoc network; Security; VANET; privacy; trust (ID#: 16-9243)
Sharma, M.K.; Kaur, A., "A Survey on Vehicular Cloud Computing and its Security," in Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT), 2015 1st International Conference on, pp. 67-71, 4-5 Sept. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NGCT.2015.7375084
Abstract: Vehicular networking has a significant advantages in the today era. It provides desirable features and some specific applications such as efficient traffic management, road safety and infotainment. The vehicle consists of comparatively more communication systems such as on-board computing device, storage and computing power, GPS etc. to provide Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). The new hybrid technology known as Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC) has great impact on the ITS by using the resources of vehicles such as GPS, storage, internet and computing power for instant decision making and sharing information on the cloud. Moreover, the paper not only present the concept of vehicular cloud but also provide a brief overview on the applications, security issues, threats and security solution for the VCC.
Keywords: cloud computing; decision making; intelligent transportation systems; security of data; vehicular ad hoc networks; ITS; VCC; communication systems; computing power; information sharing; instant decision making; intelligent transportation system; on-board computing device; road safety; security issues; traffic management; vehicular cloud computing; vehicular networking; Cloud computing; Global Positioning System; Roads; Security; Sensors; Vehicles; Intelligent Transportation System; Vehicular Ad hoc Networks; Vehicular Cloud; Vehicular Cloud Computing; Vehicular Cloud Security (ID#: 16-9244)
Mundhenk, P.; Steinhorst, S.; Lukasiewycz, M.; Fahmy, S.A.; Chakraborty, S., "Lightweight Authentication for Secure Automotive Networks," in Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2015, pp. 285-288, 9-13 March 2015. Doi: (not provided)
Abstract: We propose a framework to bridge the gap between secure authentication in automotive networks and on the internet. Our proposed framework allows runtime key exchanges with minimal overhead for resource-constrained in-vehicle networks. It combines symmetric and asymmetric cryptography to establish secure communication and enable secure updates of keys and software throughout the lifetime of the vehicle. For this purpose, we tailor authentication protocols for devices and authorization protocols for streams to the automotive domain. As a result, our framework natively supports multicast and broadcast communication. We show that our lightweight framework is able to initiate secure message streams fast enough to meet the real-time requirements of automotive networks.
Keywords: Internet; authorisation; automobiles; computer network security; cryptographic protocols; Internet; asymmetric cryptography; authentication protocols; authorization protocols; broadcast communication; lightweight authentication; multicast communication; resource-constrained in-vehicle networks; runtime key exchanges; secure authentication; secure automotive networks; secure message streams; Authentication; Authorization; Automotive engineering; Encryption; Vehicles (ID#: 16-9245)
Singla, A.; Mudgerikar, A.; Papapanagiotou, I.; Yavuz, A.A., "HAA: Hardware-Accelerated Authentication for Internet of Things in Mission Critical Vehicular Networks," in Military Communications Conference, MILCOM 2015 - 2015 IEEE, pp. 1298-1304, 26-28 Oct. 2015. doi: 10.1109/MILCOM.2015.7357624
Abstract: Modern vehicles are being equipped with advanced sensing and communication technologies, which enable them to connect to surrounding entities. In military vehicular networks, it is vital to prevent adversaries from manipulating critical messages via cryptographic protection (e.g., digital signatures) and at the same time to minimize the impact introduced by crypto operations (e.g., delay). Hence, their communication must be delay-aware, scalable and secure. In this paper, we developed Hardware-Accelerated Authentication (HAA) that enables practical realization of delay-aware signatures for vehicular networks. Specifically, we developed a cryptographic hardware-acceleration framework for Rapid Authentication (RA) [1], which is a delay-aware offline-online signature scheme for command and control systems. We showed that HAA can significantly improve the performance of offline-online constructions under high message throughput, which is an important property for vehicular networks. HAA-2048 (GPU) is ×18, ×6, and ×3 times faster than the current CPU implementation of RSA, ECDSA and RA, respectively, for the same level of security.
Keywords: Internet of Things; message authentication; microprocessor chips; military communication; military computing; public key cryptography; vehicular ad hoc networks; CPU implementation; ECDSA; GPU; HAA; HAA-2048;Internet of Things; RA; RSA; advanced sensing and communication technologies; command and control system; critical message manipulation; crypto operation; cryptographic hardware-acceleration framework; cryptographic protection; delay-aware offline-online signature scheme; hardware-accelerated authentication; high message throughput; military vehicular network; mission critical vehicular network; rapid authentication; Acceleration; Authentication; Cryptography; Delays; Graphics processing units; Throughput; Authentication; digital signatures; hardware-acceleration; vehicular networks (ID#: 16-9246)
Singh, A.; Gupta, R.; Rastogi, R., "A Novel Approach for Vehicle Tracking System for Traffic Jam Problem," in Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2015 2nd International Conference on, pp. 169-174, 11-13 March 2015. Doi: (not provided)
Abstract: This research paper focuses on the sensitive issue of traffic jams on roads, which often lead to some problems like- missing of an important meeting or appointment, missing of scheduled trains, getting late for schools/college etc. or sometimes a conflict amongst people. However this paper tries to sort this problem by tracking the root cause of it i.e. “the movement of vehicles on roads” and hereby predicting their further path to be traced with the help of an essentially used tool “GPS”. This can also be proved helpful in avoiding crimes like kidnappings and can also be proved helpful for a girl's security keeping in mind the present scenario of society where heinous crimes like Damini rape case takes place. We are living in twenty first century, the century where we are planning to achieve more and more preciseness, faster computations and increased luxuries. With the coming time, the number of cars on road are of course going to increase, which is more prone to traffic jam problems, hereby blurring our future view of making a more faster and precise world. This paper deals with the present scenario and a practical approach to minimise it. Further this could also has many advantages beside this like- security of girls(keeping in mind the present scenario of society) and easy access of means of transport for waiting passengers.
Keywords: road traffic; road vehicles ;tracking; traffic engineering computing; GPS; traffic jam problem; vehicle tracking system; Global Positioning System; Internet; Microcontrollers; Roads; Security; Servers; Vehicles; GPS; Traffic jam; google maps; tracking of vehicles (ID#: 16-9247)
Mayer, S.; Siegel, J., "Conversations with Connected Vehicles," in Internet of Things (IOT), 2015 5th International Conference on the, pp. 38-44, 26-28 Oct. 2015. doi: 10.1109/IOT.2015.7356546
Abstract: We present a system that allows drivers and fleet managers to interact with their connected vehicles both by means of direct control and indirect goal-setting. The ability to move data from vehicles to a remote server is established by the flexible and secure open vehicle telematics platform “CloudThink.” Based on this platform, we present several prototypes of how people can be enabled to conveniently interact with connected vehicles: First, we demonstrate a system that allows users to select and interact with vehicles using object recognition methods and automatically generated user interfaces on smartphones or personal wearable devices. Second, we show how functional semantic metadata can be used to smooth the boundaries for interacting with vehicles in the physical and virtual worlds. Finally, we present a method for monitoring interactions between vehicles and remote services which increases safety and security by enhancing driver oversight and control over the data that leaves and enters their vehicle.
Keywords: cloud computing; meta data; mobile computing; object recognition; radiotelemetry; semantic Web; smart phones; telecommunication security; user interfaces; vehicular ad hoc networks; CloudThink; functional semantic metadata; object recognition method; personal wearable device; remote server; remote service; smartphone; telematics platform; user interface; Automobiles; Cloud computing; Connected vehicles; Hardware; Logic gates; Servers (ID#: 16-9248)
Yang Yang; Vlajic, N.; Nguyen, U.T., "Next Generation of Impersonator Bots: Mimicking Human Browsing on Previously Unvisited Sites," in Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud), 2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on, pp. 356-361, 3-5 Nov. 2015. doi: 10.1109/CSCloud.2015.93
Abstract: The development of Web bots capable of exhibiting human-like browsing behavior has long been the goal of practitioners on both side of security spectrum - malicious hackers as well as security defenders. For malicious hackers such bots are an effective vehicle for bypassing various layers of system/network protection or for obstructing the operation of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). For security defenders, the use of human-like behaving bots is shown to be of great importance in the process of system/network provisioning and testing. In the past, there have been many attempts at developing accurate models of human-like browsing behavior. However, most of these attempts/models suffer from one of following drawbacks: they either require that some previous history of actual human browsing on the target web-site be available (which often is not the case), or, they assume that 'think times' and 'page popularities' follow the well-known Poisson and Zipf distribution (an old hypothesis that does not hold well in the modern-day WWW). To our knowledge, our work is the first attempt at developing a model of human-like browsing behavior that requires no prior knowledge or assumption about human behavior on the target site. The model is founded on a more general theory that defines human behavior as an 'interest-driven' process. The preliminary simulation results are very encouraging - web bots built using our model are capable of mimicking real human browsing behavior 1000-fold better compared to bots that deploy random crawling strategy.
Keywords: Internet; Poisson distribution; Web sites; computer crime; invasive software; IDS; Poisson distribution; Web bots; Web-site; Zipf distribution; human behavior; human browsing behavior; human-like behaving bots; human-like browsing behavior; impersonator bot; intrusion detection system; network protection; next generation; random crawling strategy; security defender; security spectrum-malicious hacker; system protection; unvisited site; Computer hacking; History; Internet; Predictive models; Web pages; bot modeling; interest-driven human browsing (ID#: 16-9249)
Mejri, M.N.; Hamdi, M., "Recent Advances in Cryptographic Solutions for Vehicular Networks," in Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), 2015 International Symposium on, pp. 1-7, 13-15 May 2015. doi: 10.1109/ISNCC.2015.7238573
Abstract: As vehicles become increasingly intelligent, it is expected that in the near future they will be equipped with radio interfaces. This will enable the formation of vehicular networks, commonly referred to as VANETs, an instance of mobile ad hoc networks with cars as the mobile nodes. As VANETs exhibit several unique features (e.g. high mobility of nodes, geographic extension) traditional security mechanisms are not always applicable. Consequently, a plethora of research contributions have been presented to cope with the intrinsic characteristics of vehicular communication. This paper outlines the communication architecture of VANETs and discusses the security and privacy challenges that need to be overcome to make such networks practically viable. It compares the various cryptographic schemes that were suggested for VANETs and explores some future trends that will shape the research in cryptographic protocols for intelligent transportation systems.
Keywords: cryptographic protocols; intelligent transportation systems; vehicular ad hoc networks; VANET; communication architecture; cryptographic protocols; intelligent transportation systems; intrinsic characteristics; mobile ad hoc networks; privacy challenges; radio interfaces; security challenges; vehicular ad hoc networks; Authentication; Cryptography; Internet; Vehicles; Vehicular ad hoc networks; Wireless communication; Attacks; Cryptographic algorithms; IEEE 802.11p; Security requirements; Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) (ID#: 16-9250)
Dakhane, D.M.; Deshmukh, P.R., "Active Warden for TCP Sequence Number Base Covert Channel," in Pervasive Computing (ICPC), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1-5, 8-10 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/PERVASIVE.2015.7087183
Abstract: Network covert channel generally use for leak the information by violating the security policies. It allows the attacker to send as well as receive secret information without being detected by the network administrator or warden in the network. There are several ways to implement such covert channels; Storage covert channel and Timing covert channel. However there is always some possibility of these covert channels being identified depending on their behaviour. In this paper, we propose, an active warden, which normalizes incoming and outgoing network traffic for eliminating all possible storage based covert channels. It is specially design for TCP sequence number because this field is a maximum capacity vehicle for storage based covert channel. Our experimental result shows that propose active warden model eliminates covert communication up to 99%, while overt communication is as intact.
Keywords: transport protocols; TCP sequence number base covert channel; maximum capacity vehicle; security policies; storage covert channel; timing covert channel; IP networks; Internet; Kernel; Protocols; Security; Telecommunication traffic; Timing; Active Warden; Network Covert Channels; Storage Covert Channels; TCP Headers; TCP ISN;TCP Sequence Number; TCP-SQN; TCP/IP} (ID#: 16-9251)
Sharma, M.K.; Bali, R.S.; Kaur, A., "Dyanimc Key Based Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Cloud Computing," in Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1059-1064, 8-10 Oct. 2015. doi: 10.1109/ICGCIoT.2015.7380620
Abstract: In recent years, Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC) has emerged as new technology to provide uninterrupted information to the vehicles from anywhere, anytime. The VCC provides two types of services such as safety related messages and non-safety related messages to the users. The vehicles have less computational power, storage etc. so that the vehicles collect information and send these information to the local or vehicular cloud for computation or storage purposes. But due to the dynamic nature, rapid topology changes and open communication medium, the information can be altered so that it leads to misguiding users, wrong information sharing etc. In the proposed scheme, Elliptic Curve Cryptography used for secure communication in the network that also ensures the security requirements such as confidentiality, integrity, privacy etc. The proposed scheme ensures the mutual authentication of both sender and receiver that wants to communicate. The scheme uses additional operation such as one-way hash function and concatenation to secure the network against various attacks i.e. spoofing attack, man-in-the-middle attack, replay attack etc. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated using the different metrics such as packet delivery ratio, throughput and end-to-end delay and it is found better where it is not applied.
Keywords: automobiles; cloud computing; intelligent transportation systems; public key cryptography; vehicular ad hoc networks; VCC; dynamic key-based authentication scheme; elliptic curve cryptography; mutual authentication; open communication medium; vehicular cloud computing; Authentication; Cloud computing; Elliptic curve cryptography; Elliptic curves; Receivers; Vehicles; Intelligent Transportation System; Key Authentication; Key Generation; VANET's; Vehicular Cloud Computing (ID#: 16-9252)
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