Spotlight on Research Activities Outside of the US
SoS Newsletter- Advanced Book Block
- The goal of University College London's Science of Cyber Security Research Institute is to move security from common, established practices to an evidence base. It focuses on understanding the overall security of organizations: technology, people and processes. The Institute encourages collaboration between and among researchers at multiple participating universities by hosting cross-university projects. Projects include Productive Security, Choice Architecture for Information Security, Games and Abstraction: The Science of Cyber Security, and Cyber Security Cartographies (CySeCa) (ID#:14-1019) See
- Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) is the national research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands. The Institute's research focuses on five themes: Software, Information, Life Sciences, Logistics, and Energy; the Institute is further organized into research groups including Algorithms and Complexity, Cryptology, and Scientific Computing, among others. The research in the Cryptology Group is organized around the following themes: 1) communication security beyond the horizon; 2) theory; 3) alternative models; and 4) cryptanalysis and applications to information security. Additionally, there is special focus on interplays with algebra, number theory, geometry, combinatorics, probability theory, complexity theory, formal methods, quantum physics and information theory. (ID#:14-1020) See
- Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA): The French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation is a public science and technology institution established in 1967 dedicated to computational sciences. INRIA has 3000 researchers located at eight research centers across France. Its researchers integrate basic and applied research and combine computer sciences with mathematics to invent the digital technologies of the future. INRIA research falls into five broad fields: Applied Mathematics, Computation, and Simulation; Algorithmics, Programming, Software, and Architecture; Networks, Systems and Services, Distributed Computing; Perception, Cognition, Interaction; Computational Sciences for Biology, Medicine, and the Environment. Each research field has multiple themes, and teams are focused on themes within research areas. (ID#:14-1021)See
- The aim of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) is to foster collaborative work within the European research community and to increase co-operation with European industry. Leading European research institutes from across Europe are members of ERCIM. Scientific Fields include Hardware; Computer Systems Organization; Software; Data; Theory of Computation; Mathematics of Computing; Information Systems; Computer Applications; Computing Milieux; and Mathematics. (ID#:14-1022) See
- The Institute for Security, Privacy, and Information Security (ISPIA) at the University of Calgary is a multi-disciplinary research center focused on security and privacy in information communication systems. ISPIA researchers are drawn from the fields of mathematics, computer science, engineering, physics, history and law. Its membership also includes personnel from the IT and law enforcement community. ISPIA's research is wide-ranging, from technical areas such as theoretical cryptography and quantum computing to legal issues associated with privacy and digital rights. (ID#:14-1234) See
- The Center for Applied Cryptographic Research (CCACR) at the University of Waterloo conducts research in both theoretical and applied cryptography and information security. The Center is a cooperative activity with the Government of Canada and multiple Canadian corporations. The Center has a multi-disciplinary approach and draws from the departments of Combinatorics and Optimization, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, and Pure Mathematics. In addition to the research projects themselves, the Center also sponsors research groups and labs. (ID#:14-1235) See
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