Distributed consensus is a prototypical distributed optimization and decision making problem in social, economic and engineering networked systems. In collaborative applications investigating the effects of adversaries is a critical problem. In this paper we investigate distributed consensus problems in the presence of adversaries. We combine key ideas from distributed consensus in computer science on one hand and in control systems on the other. The main idea is to detect Byzantine adversaries in a network of collaborating agents who have as goal reaching consensus, and exclude them from the consensus process and dynamics. We describe a novel trust-aware consensus algorithm that integrates the trust evaluation mechanism into the distributed consensus algorithm and propose various local decision rules based on local evidence. To further enhance the robustness of trust evaluation itself, we also introduce a trust propagation scheme in order to take into account evidences of other nodes in the network. The resulting algorithm is flexible and extensible, and can incorporate more complex designs of decision rules and trust models. To demonstrate the power of our trust-aware algorithm, we provide new theoretical security performance results in terms of miss detection and false alarm rates for regular and general trust graphs. We demonstrate through simulations that the new trust-aware consensus algorithm can effectively detect Byzantine adversaries and can exclude them from consensus iterations even in sparse networks with connectivity less than 2f+1, where f is the number of adversaries.
Memory corruption vulnerabilities have been around for decades and rank among the most prevalent vulnerabilities in embedded systems. Yet this constrained environment poses unique design and implementation challenges that significantly complicate the adoption of common hardening techniques. Combined with the irregular and involved nature of embedded patch management, this results in prolonged vulnerability exposure windows and vulnerabilities that are relatively easy to exploit. Considering the sensitive and critical nature of many embedded systems, this situation merits significant improvement. In this work, we present the first quantitative study of exploit mitigation adoption in 42 embedded operating systems, showing the embedded world to significantly lag behind the general-purpose world. To improve the security of deeply embedded systems, we subsequently present μArmor, an approach to address some of the key gaps identified in our quantitative analysis. μArmor raises the bar for exploitation of embedded memory corruption vulnerabilities, while being adoptable on the short term without incurring prohibitive extra performance or storage costs.
Hash message authentication is a fundamental building block of many networking security protocols such as SSL, TLS, FTP, and even HTTPS. The sponge-based SHA-3 hashing algorithm is the most recently developed hashing function as a result of a NIST competition to find a new hashing standard after SHA-1 and SHA-2 were found to have collisions, and thus were considered broken. We used Xilinx High-Level Synthesis to develop an optimized and pipelined version of the post-quantum-secure SHA-3 hash message authentication code (HMAC) which is capable of computing a HMAC every 280 clock-cycles with an overall throughput of 604 Mbps. We cover the general security of sponge functions in both a classical and quantum computing standpoint for hash functions, and offer a general architecture for HMAC computation when sponge functions are used.
Efficient monitoring of high speed computer networks operating with a 100 Gigabit per second (Gbps) data throughput requires a suitable hardware acceleration of its key components. We present a platform capable of automated designing of hash functions suitable for network flow hashing. The platform employs a multi-objective linear genetic programming developed for the hash function design. We evolved high-quality hash functions and implemented them in a field programmable gate array (FPGA). Several evolved hash functions were combined together in order to form a new reconfigurable hash function. The proposed reconfigurable design significantly reduces the area on a chip while the maximum operation frequency remains very close to the fastest hash functions. Properties of evolved hash functions were compared with the state-of-the-art hash functions in terms of the quality of hashing, area and operation frequency in the FPGA.
Vehicular communication systems increase traffic efficiency and safety by allowing vehicles to share safety-related information and location-based services. Pseudonym schemes are the standard solutions providing driver/vehicle anonymity, whilst enforcing vehicle accountability in case of liability issues. State-of-the-art PKI-based pseudonym schemes present scalability issues, notably due to the centralized architecture of certificate-based solutions. The first Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA)-based pseudonym scheme was introduced at VNC 2017, providing a decentralized approach to the pseudonym generation and update phases. The DAA-based construction leverages the properties of trusted computing, allowing vehicles to autonomously generate their own pseudonyms by using a (resource constrained) Trusted Hardware Module or Component (TC). This proposition however requires the TC to delegate part of the (heavy) pseudonym generation computations to the (more powerful) vehicle's On-Board Unit (OBU), introducing security and privacy issues in case the OBU becomes compromised. In this paper, we introduce a novel pseudonym scheme based on a variant of DAA, namely a pre-DAA-based pseudonym scheme. All secure computations in the pre-DAA pseudonym lifecycle are executed by the secure element, thus creating a secure enclave for pseudonym generation, update, and revocation. We instantiate vehicle-to-everything (V2X) with our pre-DAA solution, thus ensuring user anonymity and user-controlled traceability within the vehicular network. In addition, the pre-DAA-based construction transfers accountability from the vehicle to the user, thus complying with the many-to-many driver/vehicle relation. We demonstrate the efficiency of our solution with a prototype implementation on a standard Javacard (acting as a TC), showing that messages can be anonymously signed and verified in less than 50 ms.
The borderless, dynamic, high dimensional and virtual natures of cyberspace have brought unprecedented hard situation for defenders. To fight uncertain challenges in versatile cyberspace, a security framework based on the cloud computing platform that facilitates containerization technology to create a security capability pool to generate and distribute security payload according to system needs. Composed by four subsystems of the security decision center, the image and container library, the decision rule base and the security event database, this framework distills structured knowledge from aggregated security events and then deliver security load to the managed network or terminal nodes directed by the decision center. By introducing such unified and standardized top-level security framework that is decomposable, combinable and configurable in a service-oriented manner, it could offer flexibility and effectiveness in reconstructing security resource allocation and usage to reach higher efficiency.
OS kernel is the core part of the operating system, and it plays an important role for OS resource management. A popular way to compromise OS kernel is through a kernel rootkit (i.e., malicious kernel module). Once a rootkit is loaded into the kernel space, it can carry out arbitrary malicious operations with high privilege. To defeat kernel rootkits, many approaches have been proposed in the past few years. However, existing methods suffer from some limitations: 1) most methods focus on user-mode rootkit detection; 2) some methods are limited to detect obfuscated kernel modules; and 3) some methods introduce significant performance overhead. To address these problems, we propose VKRD, a kernel rootkit detection system based on the hardware assisted virtualization technology. Compared with previous methods, VKRD can provide a transparent and an efficient execution environment for the target kernel module to reveal its run-time behavior. To select the important run-time features for training our detection models, we utilize the TF-IDF method. By combining the hardware assisted virtualization and machine learning techniques, our kernel rootkit detection solution could be potentially applied in the cloud environment. The experiments show that our system can detect windows kernel rootkits with high accuracy and moderate performance cost.
Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) provide hardware support to isolate the execution of sensitive operations on mobile phones for improved security. However, they are not always available to use for application developers. To provide a consistent user experience to those who have and do not have a TEE-enabled device, we could get help from Open-TEE, an open-source GlobalPlatform (GP)-compliant software TEE emulator. However, Open-TEE does not offer any of the security properties hardware TEEs have. In this paper, we propose WhiteBox-TEE which integrates white-box cryptography with Open-TEE to provide better security while still remaining complaint with GP TEE specifications. We discuss the architecture, provisioning mechanism, implementation highlights, security properties and performance issues of WhiteBox-TEE and propose possible revisions to TEE specifications to have better use of white-box cryptography in software-only TEEs.
Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is a recent concept where virtualization enables the shift from network functions (e.g., routers, switches, load-balancers, proxies) on specialized hardware appliances to software images running on all-purpose, high-volume servers. The resource allocation problem in the NFV environment has received considerable attention in the past years. However, little attention was paid to the security aspects of the problem in spite of the increasing number of vulnerabilities faced by cloud-based applications. Securing the services is an urgent need to completely benefit from the advantages offered by NFV. In this paper, we show how a network service request, composed of a set of service function chains (SFC) should be modified and enriched to take into consideration the security requirements of the supported service. We examine the well-known security best practices and propose a two-step algorithm that extends the initial SFC requests to a more complex chaining model that includes the security requirements of the service.
Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are considered as an attractive low-cost security anchor. The unique features of PUFs are dependent on the Nanoscale variations introduced during the manufacturing variations. Most PUFs exhibit an unreliability problem due to aging and inherent sensitivity to the environmental conditions. As a remedy to the reliability issue, helper data algorithms are used in practice. A helper data algorithm generates and stores the helper data in the enrollment phase in a secure environment. The generated helper data are used then for error correction, which can transform the unique feature of PUFs into a reproducible key. The key can be used to encrypt secret data in the security scheme. In contrast, this work shows that the fuzzy PUFs can be used to secret important data directly by an error-tolerant protocol without the enrollment phase and error-correction algorithm. In our proposal, the secret data is locked in a vault leveraging the unique fuzzy pattern of PUF. Although the noise exists, the data can then be released only by this unique PUF. The evaluation was performed on the most prominent intrinsic PUF - DRAM PUF. The test results demonstrate that our proposal can reach an acceptable reconstruction rate in various environment. Finally, the security analysis of the new proposal is discussed.
Network-on-Chip (NoC) is the communication platform of the data among the processing cores in Multiprocessors System-on-Chip (MPSoC). NoC has become a target to security attacks and by outsourcing design, it can be infected with a malicious Hardware Trojan (HT) to degrades the system performance or leaves a back door for sensitive information leaking. In this paper, we proposed a HT model that applies a denial of service attack by deliberately discarding the data packets that are passing through the infected node creating a black hole in the NoC. It is known as Black Hole Router (BHR) attack. We studied the effect of the BHR attack on the NoC. The power and area overhead of the BHR are analyzed. We studied the effect of the locations of BHRs and their distribution in the network as well. The malicious nodes has very small area and power overhead, 1.98% and 0.74% respectively, with a very strong violent attack.
With the rising popularity of file-sharing services such as Google Drive and Dropbox in the workflows of individuals and corporations alike, the protection of client-outsourced data from unauthorized access or tampering remains a major security concern. Existing cryptographic solutions to this problem typically require server-side support, involve non-trivial key management on the part of users, and suffer from severe re-encryption penalties upon access revocations. This combination of performance overheads and management burdens makes this class of solutions undesirable in situations where performant, platform-agnostic, dynamic sharing of user content is required. We present NEXUS, a stackable filesystem that leverages trusted hardware to provide confidentiality and integrity for user files stored on untrusted platforms. NEXUS is explicitly designed to balance security, portability, and performance: it supports dynamic sharing of protected volumes on any platform exposing a file access API without requiring server-side support, enables the use of fine-grained access control policies to allow for selective sharing, and avoids the key revocation and file re-encryption overheads associated with other cryptographic approaches to access control. This combination of features is made possible by the use of a client-side Intel SGX enclave that is used to protect and share NEXUS volumes, ensuring that cryptographic keys never leave enclave memory and obviating the need to reencrypt files upon revocation of access rights. We implemented a NEXUS prototype that runs on top of the AFS filesystem and show that it incurs ×2 overhead for a variety of common file and database operations.