Visible to the public Requesting a DOI from another authorConflict Detection Enabled

Content that does not yet have a DOI associated to it on the CPS-VO will have a link for requesting a DOI from the author if the following conditions are met:

  • You have the necessary permissions to request a citable tag from the author
    (currently Trusted User and above: learn more about roles here and check your Badges under 'My Account' to see which you have)
  • The content type has citations enabled for it
  • The author has not disabled DOI/Zenodo for the particular piece of content

Image showing where the 'Request DOI' link can be found

Following the link to 'Request DOI' will present you with the form below:

Example of form for requesting a DOI from another author

If you have previously requested a DOI for this content, there will be an additional message warning you about this. It is preferred that you do NOT repeatedly request a DOI as this will generate an email to the author each time; it remains available for extenuating circumstances.

Example of form for requesting a DOI from another author, with previous pending request.

You will be notified at the email address associated with your account when the author either denies your request or publishes a DOI for the node as requested.