Visible to the public Add Content to Widgets

Each widget requires certain content which is either automatically populated by activity in your group, or purposely added by the group manager. A "Widgets Reference Table" displays the widgets that are available to add to panel pages. Adding content to those widgets is covered in the section called "Kinds of Pages".

A spotlight slideshow is one example of a widget to which you might want add content.

Only group Managers and Moderators have permissions to add content to the group spotlight slideshow.
“Events” and “News items" can be displayed in the spotlight slideshow.

Scroll down to the area that is titled “Slideshow Image”. Click the “Choose File” button to retrieve an image from your computer. Click the “Upload” button to upload the image.

If your upload is successful, the image will display next to a button giving you the option to “Remove” it. 
Next, click on the gray tab titled “Publishing options” and checkmark the box next to “Display in Slideshow”
Click "Save"  to publish your event or news item and show it in the spotlight. News and event items will also appear in recent news and upcoming events sections if you have added those widgets to your panel page. Events and news widgets work best when added to the right side of your 2 column layout. 

About Publishing Options

  • Publish: Uncheck this option if you don't wish for this content to appear on the VO yet. Useful for saving drafts of content that requires editing before going live/published.
  • Publicize on Group Homepage: This option will place your post on your group's homepage in the corresponding section (Recent News, Upcoming Events, etc…)
  • Archive: Will remove this post from displaying publicly (or to members of your group) and add it to a historical archive listing. You may also want to type in a date and time in the “Sunset” section to control when your event or news item is automatically archived.
  • Display in Slideshow: Will place this post, along with its image (or video), in a slideshow. Must be used with either Publicize to Entire VO or Publicize on Group Homepage options.
  • Pin to Top of Lists: This option will make this post appear at the top of content listings, regardless of any other settings. Useful for denoting important content or content that has a "call to action" associated with it.