Visible to the public View Events

The CPS-VO calendar displays event notices that can be clicked through for more information on them. Events can have a specified audience, in which case only for those group members will the notices show. If no audience is specified then they will be global events visible by all authenticated members of the portal.

Step 1: The portal calendar can be reached by selecting the "Calendar" link under the "Browse" tab in the global menu at the top of the CPS-VO home page.
Figure 2: Browse calendar
Step 2: Clicking on the title of the event post will direct you to more information about it:
Figure 3: Browse calendar Step 3: The example below shows what information about an event looks like. It may include the URL of the event web site, the start and end date of the meeting, a short abstract, related labels, and may have attachments. The bottom of the page includes links for posting comments and subscribing to notifications about changes to this event as well as existing comments related to the event.