Generating an archive DOI with Zenodo
If you wish to archive content from the CPS-VO itself and generate a DOI from that archive, our Zenodo service integration can provide that.
For file content types, the file itself will be transmitted to Zenodo and archived. For other enable content types, a PDF of the node will be generated and archived with Zenodo. Currently there is a file size limitation of 100MB. If your file content is larger, this feature will not be available.
Users that have permission to manage their own DOI can manage the DOI information for enabled content types via the 'Zenodo' tab or the 'Generate DOI' link at the bottom of the content.
You will be presented with two expandable sections, the second of which 'Zenodo Archives/DOI' you'll use for adding a new archive. All fields are required.
New archive's fields are pre-filled with content from the node itself. Draft archives are filled with content as previously submitted to Zenodo! All can be edited as desired until it is published.
Publishing an archive with Zenodo is a two-step process - first is creation of the draft, and then after you are satisfied with it, publishing the draft. A draft archive that has been submitted to Zenodo will have a dark yellow heading with {Draft} in the title, and will look similar to this:
If you need to modify the data, please be sure to click 'Update'. The publish button does not submit form changes to Zenodo; it only publishes the last data that Zenodo received from us!
Published archives are permanent records with Zenodo and cannot be altered or deleted after being published! Once an archive is published, it will have a green header with {Published} and look similar to this: